lør. 10. aug.
|The Villa
Off Øya: PROSUMER (UK) & Philip Philip // Sweat Shop: Bendik Baksaas + Bard & Amar
Tid og sted
10. aug. 2024, 23:00 – 11. aug. 2024, 03:00
The Villa, Møllergata 23-25, 0179 Oslo, Norge
Om arrangementet
Achim Brandenburg aka Prosumer comes from Saarbruecken, used to live in Berlin and now is based in Edinburgh. He loves house music, produces a record from time to time and likes to share the music he loves. „The craze about the music...“ ...the man called Prosumer is besotted with it. Since Achim Brandenburg heartily grabbed the microphone under this moniker in 2005 for Frankfurt’s then undisputed Label Playhouse, he showed that lasciviousness, a fever for Chicago’s Jack flavour and consciousness of tradition aren’t necessarily bound to a time and a place. Vision, passion and knowledge make Prosumer a guardian of house music history and one of the formative artists, influential DJs and important producers of our days. While deriving his name from Alvin Toffler’s techno sci-fi-bible The Third Wave (producing and consuming at the same time), Prosumer lives up to his name. With more than a decade of Hard-Wax-Record-Store-enculturation on the clock (first in Saarbrucken, then Berlin), he spent countless nights in clubs, days looking for music and years refining his art and becoming in line with the “big three”. This is not a reference to Detroit’s car companies, but the city’s musical heritage that – together with the Big Apple and the Windy city – laid the foundation for techno and house builds with the Big Apple and the Windy City.
—Phillip Phillip—
Philip er en mangfoldig DJ som virkelig har et bredt spekter av musikalske interesser. Han spiller alt fra disco til techno, breakbeat, afro, acid og house, med en spesiell kjærlighet for sistnevnte sjanger. Med ørene alltid spisset for å oppdage nye låter, kan du forvente en musikalsk reise gjennom forskjellige sjangre som vil holde dansegulvet i bevegelse.
—Bendik Baksaas—
Er en jazz- og elektronikamusiker som har tiltrukket seg en del oppmerksomhet den siste tiden gjennom sine opptredener og utgivelser. I 2021 ble han nominert til Bendiksenprisen som deles ut av GramArt og Kulturrådet.
—Bard & Amar—
Bard&Amar, One weaned through mid-90’s dance CD compilations, another cutting his teeth in the grungy clubs in Sarajevo. Incisive track selectors, they align with the strictest interpretations of the genre: groovy, syncopated rhythm and pads, droney textures; dense, mean stabs and tactile kickdrums. Paired together, the duo oscillate between offering indulgent crowd-appeasers and the anything-buts.
Billett : 200,-
Øybånd: 150,-
Gjesteliste: thevilla.no